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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

COVID-19 Pandemic Increases Housing Instability for People of Color

In an analysis of survey data from the United States Census Bureau's Household Pulse Survey, researchers demonstrated that housing instability during the COVID-19 pandemic has had a disproportionate e...

Finding Decent, Affordable Housing Is a Struggle for Families

The real estate boom that has gone on for the past few years has shown no signs of stopping. The inventory of new construction and existing homes for sale is at an all-time low, and the prices of homes are at an a...

Toy Theft From Texas Public Housing Triggers Massive Replacement Donations

Many families are suffering as a result of the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. In times when a family might have to choose between paying the electricity bill or buying Christmas gifts, par...

How to Own a Rental House That Has a Purchase Option

Do you plan to buy a house in the next few months or years? Then, start saving some cash to ensure you have enough money in your account by then. Unfortunately, you might not manage to set aside some cash if you have too m...

Advocate Groups Concerned Landlords May Exploit Covid-19

All over the nation, tensions are increasing among renters as the numbers of infected with coronavirus continue to go up. One of the chief concerns among people who rent their apartments and homes is that they'l...

Soaring COVID-19 Cases Exacerbate Housing Inequality Problems Across the USA

In a December 18 report from the Brookings Institute, researchers have found that skyrocketing COVID-19 cases are making housing inequality worse. The government has made no effort to mitigate the p...

How to Sell Your House by Yourself

If you are looking to sell your house without involving a real estate agent, you should know what to do to get the profit you deserve. This article shares some of the best steps to sell a home without hiring realtors. Note that while many...

Buying a house is a big investment that requires serious deliberation before making your final decision. The project might take up all your savings if...

Remember to take your time before making an offer to ensure that you buy the house you require. Therefore, if you plan t...

Are Housing Projects Worth the Investment?

Already in 2021, we have read breaking news about well over a dozen housing projects being built (or rebuilt) in inner cities. The price tag is in the billions, but the cost of these housing projects is said by many to be much high...