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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

Crisfield Public Housing Tenants Face Eviction Over Minor Debts

Public housing is designed to be a solution to combat homelessness, not a contribution to the problem. However, residents of public housing in Crisfield, MD, say that they're being evicted over minor debts. The ...

Bipartisan Senator Meeting Fails to Improve Housing for Military and Vets

America is in a constant state of partisanship, and has been ever since John Adams and Thomas Jefferson split the nation's politics right down the middle under George Washington's presidency...

Finally, Solution for Homelessness and Spiraling Housing Prices on Horizon

It's no secret that housing prices in desirable locations have been skyrocketing for the past few decades. As something that's often seen as a tenet of "generational warfare" between Baby Boomers and ...

Health Crisis Exacerbates California's Housing Crisis

For decades now, California has been open and proud about their large umbrella for any sort of lifestyle, proclivity, nationality, or anything else that can come into the state. They want to redefine what "diversi...

Is the Coronavirus Crashing the American Housing Market? Yes, but No.

It's no secret that COVID-19 is wreaking havoc on the economy. Any economist can tell you that we're in unprecedented times. The closest time in history to this was approximately 100 years ago with the so-...

Housing Group in New York Calls for Rent Strike

As of Thursday, April 16, millions of Americans have received their stimulus money deposited into their banks, with millions more bringing the IRS website to a complete halt while seeing if they're eligible. Tens of mill...

Pandemic Brings Up Questions of Housing Rights

Last week, rent strikes broke out in New York and a few other states, where thousands of people gathered around during the height of the virus pandemic to protest for free housing, among other things. Although it was simply l...

How to Lock in Mortgage Rates While They're at Record Lows

If you are looking to buy a property, one of the most important things you need to think about is mortgage rates. Just a one percent difference in interest saves people an average of about $60,000 over the life of th...

These 8 Cities Are Right on the Brink of a Major Housing Market Slump

For the most part, the housing market is looking relatively strong despite all the unrest from COVID-19. However, there are a few areas where the pandemic has greatly affected housing. Regions that had ov...