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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

New York Renters Strike in Potential Nationwide Rent Strike

At the beginning of April, New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called on all New Yorkers to strike against paying their rent. Whether they had money and could afford rent, whether they were working a...

3 Reasons Experts Are Calling the Current Housing Market "Remarkable"

When the pandemic first started to pick up speed, the economy rapidly dropped. Many people feared a repeat of the 2008 recession, where dropping housing prices had disastrous results. However, things do no...

7 Tips for a Successful Remote Learning Process

The 2020-21 school year has begun or is about to begin for millions of students across the United States. Many school districts are using a blended or hybrid learning model, and some are all virtual learning, at least through t...

Housing Market Continues to Set Records Despite Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic

Housing experts were predicting a dire freefall in the home market when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Fortunately, those predictions have proven to be way off as the market has shown an extraordinary amo...

Denver Offers New COVID-friendly Housing Solutions for the Homeless

On January 9, the city of Denver, CO, announced new plans to help homeless people at increased risk of COVID-19 infections and complications. The goal is to keep the people off the streets and in safe and af...


Renting a house is one of the most common ways of homeownership. Renting a house means that you assume its ownership for as long as you need, while making a series of interval payments to the owner as per ...

How to Sell Your House by Yourself

If you are looking to sell your house without involving a real estate agent, you should know what to do to get the profit you deserve. This article shares some of the best steps to sell a home without hiring realtors. Note that while many...

Affordable Housing Is Difficult for Buyers and Renters to Obtain

Both prospective home buyers and renters across the United States are having a tough time finding affordable housing. In a report about the Ohio housing market issued by the National Low Income Housing Coalitio...

10 Tips for Landlords while Renting Out their Property

It can be challenging for property owners to rent out their property successfully from one year to the other. Here are the 10 tips that will allow you to have a good relationship with your tenants for extended duratio...